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  • Erin Reese and Jadyn Anderson

Moving the Vending Machines?!?

The vending machines at CHS have always been a part of a student's high school experience. Even though they might not work every time you use them.

Quarters jammed into change slots. Machines not taking money. Not giving back correct change.

Mr. Millaci is aware of the problems students are having with the machines not working and taking students money. He responded that they (administration) need to discuss the problems with the vendors.

As a result of the failures, the machines will be relocated behind the gates of the cafeteria. They will have a timer which will allow them to only function before school, after school, and hopefully during lunch.

They will be relocated in an estimated two to three weeks.

“The vending machines do not perform well. I lost seven dollars over the span of a semester and it made me feel really bad,” said vending machine user Elijah Macklin.

CHS will also be adding a snack vending machine. Administration will either be giving a survey of choices for students, or they will decide for themselves.

“I think a snack vending machine would be great. I would want hot fries and candy,” said CHS student and snack lover Bella Eates.

Photo: Erin Reese

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