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Behind the Scenes of Bag-checking

The morning bag checks are organized but still leave some problems.

These bag checks may seem annoying for students, but are essential for their safety.

“Our district does a very good job, I think, with providing resources so we can be as safe as possible,” said principal Millaci.

With district funding, safety has been able to improve. Even so, some cracks are able to be seen.

“We only use one of the bus ramp entrances, but that's because we don’t have enough staff,” Says Mr. Watkins, morning bag checker.

With the obvious understaffing issue, there are going to be clear flaws with speed and efficiency.

“I feel it’s paramount for the students' safety as a whole and really benefits everyone involved,” says Mr. Watkins.

You can see that their main goal is to make a safe environment for their students and staff.

“We do the best we can,” says Mr.Millaci.

Photo: Albert Matthews


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