Mannequin with a prom dress outside Ms. Lynum's classroom
Prom season has come back around at Churchland.
Churchland has been hype and seems very excited for this year's prom. Last year the theme was “Arabian Nights,” and this year it's “A Night on the Red Carpet.”
Dr. Cabbler and the SCA have been and continue to work hard on the details of the prom. One of our SCA members, Raven Smith, said that the way they came up with the theme was “the SCA came up with a list of themes and we had the junior class vote on which theme to pick.”
They decided that this year's prom will be held at The Waterside Marriott in Norfolk on May 18th.
SCA member Casey Agucta says that, “As of right now the tickets for juniors and seniors are about $70 and for underclassmen it's like $80-$85. After mid April it goes up about $10-$15.”
Although those are the prices for juniors and seniors, all underclassmen and guests from other schools have to pay more. “If you're an underclassmen or guest from another school your ticket does cost more than juniors and seniors. About $15 more,” said Agucta.
Some people may think that's overpriced, but it's a prom. SCA member Raven Smith says that, “Everything you get in the prom like food or drinks are included in the money you bought your ticket with.”
If you're interested in more details about the prom you can listen to the daily afternoon announcements where they talk about some of the details of prom. If you want more information you can talk to Dr. Cabbler or SCA members who are also helping with planning.
Photo Credit: Brianna Boullt