Hailey Stewart
Hailey Stewart is a multi-sport athlete as well as an honor roll student at Churchland High School.
There is much patience and control needed to do three sports at once as well as keeping up with grades and other work.
“I really enjoy being a athlete. Soccer is my main sport but I've really been enjoying track lately,” said Stewart.
She believes that she is her own biggest supporter when it comes to her ability.
“Just stay in touch with yourself, don't slack off. I am scared of failure and i don't like messing up so I just keep that in mind,” she said.
Stewart plans to go to college with an athletic scholarship for soccer or track and field.
Stewart is also a great friend to have. All of her friends support her and care for her as well as her boyfriend, David Bullock.
“Me and Hailey are close friends. I would say she's best at soccer and field hockey but she is really good at track right now. She is a determined hard worker,” student Kayla Koon said.
“I’ve gone to Hailey’s games. She's great at what she does, but she’s definitely the best at soccer. I met her during 7th grade soccer tryouts," freshman Bianca Carter said.
“I believe I'm Hailey's biggest supporter. I’m her boyfriend and she’s a great girlfriend, athlete, and friend. I’ve been to her soccer games and she's really good. She is absolutely a determined hard worker,” Bullock stated.
Hailey’s friends seem to think bright of her, which is not surprising. Everyone says she's amazing and great at what she does. She is loved all around Churchland High School.
Photo Credit: Hailey Stewart